Carbon Copier


Carbon Copier was a Zendesk app that helps CC end-users when tickets are created for a specific organization or requester.

App no longer supported / Available in Zendesk marketplace

Due to Zendesk's deprecation of HTTP targets which are used by the app to function, this app is no longer supported and I have removed the listing from Zendesk's app marketplace. As I no longer have Zendesk dev account, I haven't had a chance to explore how this could be converted. There are not plans to update the app.

I found this resource for creating Zendesk webhooks:

Here's the setup for the current target, it looks like there are fields on webhooks that are equivalent:

Method: PUT
Content Type: JSON
Password: Generated API Token
At that point, you should be able to create a new trigger that sends the following body to your new target: 
  "ticket": {

You'll need to create a new webhook and make sure it's authenticated properly. Please reach out to for assistance using their webhook feature.

Built by Avi Warner with a mouse, keyboard & Gatsby.